Bio-nanotechnology to improve the quality and production of Biogas

At the headquarters of the Centro de Investigación de la Caña de Azucar “Cenicaña”, the workshop Strategies from bionanotechnology to improve the quality and production of biogas  took place.  With the participation of the Director of UEN Sustainble Energy from Ingenio Mayaguez  John Enrique Vargas, researchers from Cenicaña: Tatiana Vargas, Julian Lucuara, Bryan Múnera and  researches form nanoCiTec: Edgar E González and Santiago Salinas, advances in bio and nanoenergy were presented. A work plan was established to carry out research and experimental development to evaluate the incorporation of nanotechnology to improve the production and quality of biogas, this circumscribed in the BIP-CO project: “Launching BIOGAS+ iron nanoparticles additive for biogas output optimization in Colombia”

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This project has received funding from the Research Program and
Innovation of the European Union Horizon2020 with reference number N ° 822273