

WORKSHOP Strategies from bio-nanotechnology to improve the quality and production of Biogas At the headquarters of the Universidad Santo Tomás -Sede Villavicencio-, the workshop Strategies…

NanoScientific Symposium Mexico

The NanoScientific Symposium Mexico The NanoScientific Symposium on SPM Mexico will be held at The Faculty of Chemistry of the National Autonomous University of Mexico…


Los Encuentros NERD son concebidos como espacios de conocimiento y diálogo, en los que destacados expertos abordan temas propuestos desde diferentes campos disciplinares. Intersecciones entre…

Science Education Programme

InterAcademy Partnership Science Education Programme Annual Meeting of the Global Council of IAP-SEP Last August, the annual Meeting of the Global Council of the Scientific…

Nanomaterials of excellence awards

New nanomaterials were awarded with the Special Award in NanoTech Japan NanoTech Japan is undoubtedly the most important event in nanotechnology around the world. In…

Nanoscale Alloys

Silver-platinum alloy at the nanoscale In order for two metals can form an alloy, it is required that such material is in liquid phase. However, not always…