Nanomaterials for health

Biosynthesized Silver Nanoparticles as an effective Antibacterial agent

The use of silver nanoparticles as antibacterial agents synthesized with extracts of leaves and fungi  has been reported. These nanostructures register an effective antibacterial activity, specifically for the bacteria  Pseudomonas aeruginosa causing severe damage to the cell wall, membrane and DNA.  Pseudomonas aeruginosa  is known for resistance to multiple antibiotics that causes an important epidemiological problem.  For more information on this advance in nanomaterials for health, see:  Campo, C., Villamizar, R., López, L., González, E., Muñoz, S., et al. (2022). Biologically synthesized silver nanoparticles as potent antibacterial effective against multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aerufinosa. Letter in App. Micro.