Nanotechnology to Improve Performance in Biogas Production in Colombia
Applied Nanoparticles and NanoCiTec Center initiate the cooperation project BIP-CO for implementation of nanotechnology to improve performance in the production of biogas in Colombia. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programe under grant agreement no822273
Inquiry-Based Science Education: A Case Study to address the Energy Challenge
Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Nanoscale Science Technology Center “NanoCiTec” and Champagnat College initiate the cooperation project Science and Education for the Energy Challenge “SETEC” to contribute to the energy challenge from non-formal basic education. The energy problem will be chosen as a case study, leading to the “Energy Challenge”, with the purpose of searching for alternative energy sources, developing new materials and methods to improve energy efficiency, and the incorporation of sustainable clean energy production systems. The project aims to answer the question: How to integrate teachers and students in the search for solutions and actions conducive to contributing to the energy challenge?
Anaerobic digestion systems are recognized as one of the greenest and most sustainable generators of renewable energy and organic waste management available today. These converters from energy contained in organic substrates to useful energy for combustion and generation of electrical energy, can be strategically integrated into the social, economic and ecological components of sustainable development: i) energy production to supply the demand of communities lacking electricity; ii) control and management of polluting organic waste that causes bad odors, greenhouse gas emissions, spread of insects and microorganisms capable of producing diseases; iii) production of ecological biofertilizers of high quality, and low cost. This system has been chosen as the case study due to its overall impact and to its value in the teaching-learning process.
SETEC project is part of IAP -Science Education Programme- activities and is funded by IAP and UNESCO and co-financed by the Academy of Sciences, NanoCiTec and the Champagnat College.