Technological vigilance study reveals that the environmental problem produces the largest scientific production in Bio-Nano.
Based on technological vigilance, the impact on environment, energy, agriculture and health issues is evaluated in terms of the Bio-Nano offer. The environmental area has the highest investigative activity. The second place is occupied by energy and finally agriculture and heald. This positions the environmental challenge in the first line of interest in research based on emerging technologies.
The great offer in the area of nanomaterials, specifically in nanoparticles for remediation and monitoring, configuration of nanostructured filters, as well as the capacities that are offered for design and manufacture of sensors, make the environmental area one of the most impacted according to this study.
Díaz, J. Estrada, L. Acuña, Y. González, E. The Bio-Nano Offer and its Impact on Environment, Energy, Agriculture, and Health. J. Nano Sc. Tech., 5(2019)14.